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Manfred Kets de Vries

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subjects Manfred Kets de Vries writes about Leadership, Organization, Management Skills
Manfred Kets de Vries's profile MANFRED F. R. KETS DE VRIES brings a different view to the much-studied subjects of leadership and the dynamics of individual and organizational change. Bringing to bear his knowledge and experience of economics (Econ. Drs., University of Amsterdam), management (ITP, MBA, and DBA, Harvard Business School), and psychoanalysis (Canadian Psychoanalytic Society and the International Psychoanalytic Association), Kets de Vries scrutinizes the interface between international management, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and dynamic psychiatry. His specific areas of interest are leadership, career dynamics, executive stress, entrepreneurship, family business, succession planning, cross-cultural management, team building, coaching, and the dynamics of corporate transformation and change.

A clinical professor of leadership development, he holds the Raoul de Vitry d'Avaucourt Chair of Leadership Development at INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France. He is the Director of INSEAD's Global Leadership Centre. He is program director of INSEAD's top management seminar, "The Challenge of Leadership: Developing Your Emotional Intelligence" and the program "Consulting and Coaching for Change" (and has five times received INSEAD's distinguished teacher award). He has also held professorships at McGill University, the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Montreal, and the Harvard Business School, and he has lectured at management institutions around the world. He is a founding member of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. The Financial Times, Le Capital, Wirtschaftswoche, and The Economist have judged Manfred Kets de Vries one of world's leading thinkers on leadership.

Kets de Vries is the author, co-author, or editor of 20 books, including Power and the Corporate Mind (1975, new edition 1985, with Abraham Zaleznik), Organizational Paradoxes: Clinical Approaches to Management (1980, new edition 1994), The Irrational Executive: Psychoanalytic Explorations in Management (1984, editor), The Neurotic Organization: Diagnosing and Changing Counter-Productive Styles of Management (1984, new edition 1990, with Danny Miller), Unstable at the Top (1988, with Danny Miller), Prisoners of Leadership (1989), Handbook of Character Studies (1991, with Sidney Perzow), Organizations on the Couch (1991), Leaders, Fools and Impostors (1993), the prize-winning Life and Death in the Executive Fast Lane: Essays on Organizations and Leadership (1995) (the Critics' Choice Award 1995-96), Family Business: Human Dilemmas in the Family Firm (1996), The New Global Leaders: Percy Barnevik, Richard Branson, and David Simon (1999, with Elizabeth Florent), Struggling with the Demon: Perspectives on Individual and Organizational Irrationality (2001), The Leadership Mystique (2001), The Happiness Equation (2002), The Global Executive Leadership Inventory (2003). Three new books have just been finished, entitled "The New Russian Business Elite", "Are Leaders Born or are they Made: The Case of Alexander the Great," and "Lessons on Leadership by Terror: finding Shaka Zulu in the Attic."

He was the first fly fisherman in Outer Mongolia and is a member of New York's Explorers Club. In his spare time he can be found in the rainforests or savannas of Central Africa, the Siberian taiga, the Pamir mountains, or within the Arctic circle.

17 books found. Jump to: 1 | 2
Organizational Paradoxes: Clinical Approaches to Management
Buy Organizational Paradoxes: Clinical Approaches to Management from Amazon  By Kets de Vries, Manfred Amazon's customers rating

This book takes the reader on a journey into the individual's personal 'underworld'. Its primary objective remains to help the reader understand the inner theatre of leaders and followers. It looks...

Ranking at Amazon 8327154
 International Thomson Business Press
 November 1994 - Paperback
Our price: $47.46 (list: $43.95)
Used from: $0.64
Information updated on 02/27/2020
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Organizations on the Couch: Clinical Perspectives on Organizational Behavior and Change
Buy Organizations on the Couch: Clinical Perspectives on Organizational Behavior and Change from Amazon  By Kets de Vries, Manfred Amazon's customers rating

Experts in psychoanalysis and organizational behavior show how the psychoanalytic perspective can be successfully applied to analyzing and changing unhealthy organizational behaviors. Helps managers...

Ranking at Amazon 1163111
 November 1991 - Hardcover
Our price: n/a (list: $42.95)
Used from: $4.29
Information updated on 03/14/2020
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Prisoners of Leadership
Buy Prisoners of Leadership from Amazon  By Kets de Vries, Manfred Amazon's customers rating

An original and stimulating foray into the mind of a leader. Examines the psychological qualities beneath the public surface and how they affect the decisions that can lead to greatness or disaster....

Ranking at Amazon 5488699
 John Wiley & Sons
 April 1989 - Hardcover
Our price: n/a (list: $19.95)
Used from: $0.64
Information updated on 03/14/2020
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Unstable at the Top: Inside the Troubled Organization
Buy Unstable at the Top: Inside the Troubled Organization from Amazon  By Miller, Danny Amazon's customers rating

Describes five case studies in which an executive's mental problems have nearly ruined a company, explains why companies resist change, and tells how to deal with unstable leadership

Ranking at Amazon 10879716
 Mentor Books
 January 1989 - Paperback
Our price: n/a (list: $4.5)
Used from: $6.03
Information updated on 02/24/2020
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Power and the Corporate Mind: How to Use Rather Than Misuse Leadership
Buy Power and the Corporate Mind: How to Use Rather Than Misuse Leadership from Amazon  By Zaleznik, Abraham Amazon's customers rating

For the executive involved in a leadership career, fitting into various organizations demands an understanding of the meaning of power and the nature of the corporate mind. This book offers...

Ranking at Amazon 5609998
 Bonus Books
 August 1985 - Paperback
Our price: n/a (list: $17.95)
Used from: $5
Information updated on 03/18/2020
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The Neurotic Organization : Diagnosing and Changing Counterproductive Styles of Management
Buy The Neurotic Organization : Diagnosing and Changing Counterproductive Styles of Management from Amazon  By Kets de Vries, Manfred Amazon's customers rating

Is your organization obsessive-compulsive or passive-aggressive? Corporate neurosis expert Manfred Kets de Vries analyzes dysfunctional organizational behavior in terms of accepted psychoanalytic...

Ranking at Amazon 1921797
 August 1984 - Hardcover
Our price: $60.89 (list: $64.95)
Used from: $3
Information updated on 03/17/2020
Buy The Neurotic Organization : Diagnosing and Changing Counterproductive Styles of Management from Amazon
Irrational Executive: Psychoanalytic Explorations in Management
Buy Irrational Executive: Psychoanalytic Explorations in Management from Amazon  By Kets de Vries, Manfred Amazon's customers rating

Book by

Ranking at Amazon 5162910
 International Universities Press
 April 1984 - Hardcover
 Management Skills
Our price: $28.6 (list: $65)
Used from: $5
Information updated on 03/13/2020
Buy Irrational Executive: Psychoanalytic Explorations in Management from Amazon

17 books found. Jump to: 1 | 2
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